It's True. Hashtags Have Come to Pinterest 😱

It's True. Hashtags Have Come to Pinterest 😱


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Find The Best Instagram Hashtags with Tailwind's Hashtag Finder

Using the Best Tools for the Job

You know that saying, "All that glitters is not gold"? Well, when it comes to Pinterest tools, sometimes the shiny features mask a hidden danger. If you're investing your time and money into a Pinterest tool, wouldn't you want to make sure it's a safe one? Find out why friends don't let friends use non-partner Pinterest tools - and pass it on!

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Find The Best Instagram Hashtags with Tailwind's Hashtag Finder


For years, we've been writing about why you shouldn't use hashtags on Pinterest. They don't work the same as they do on other platforms, they would confuse Pinners, and Pinterest evn told us not to use them. Well, those days are gone. Alisa has the low down straight from Pinterest, including why you need to start using hashtags now so you won't be left behind.

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If you have any questions, comments, or just want to make my day and say "hi", simply reply to this email. I hope you have an Instagram-worthy rest of your weekend is filled with activities that would make Pinterest jealous.

Thanks for your time :)
Melissa Megginson, Marketing Manager 

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